Absolute Serenity Massage and Body Treatments in Hot Springs Arkansas

hot stone therapy in Hot Springs Arkansas Massage therapy & body treatments on a regular basis are an extremely important benefit to a body's physical well-being. Massage Therapy should be part of any health regime & should not be taken for granted or minimized as simply "being pampered". Scientific research supports the many positive health effects of massage therapy & exciting new applications & techniques are being discovered that relate to mental health, infant care, aging & much more in addition to the many well known benefits like relaxation, improved circulation & muscle tension relief! Massage Therapy is an important part of a healthier life & should be a priority! Essential oils in Hot Springs ArkansasMassage therapy is an age-old remedy and health practice which is found in all civilizations throughout history. A few benefits from touch and massage are not limited to over-all general health and relaxation but can also promote healthy skin, blood circulation, improve immune system functions and energy flow throughout the body. Massage therapy as a whole combats the negative effects of aging as well as relieve stress and certain problem conditions.

Each massage therapy style or technique is unique and there are many factors to consider when booking your first appointment. Some massage therapy procedures focus on certain parts of the body or even specific ailments in its theoretical base and therefore some research should be performed as to which is best for particular individual needs.

...Always Take Time to Relax, Revitalize and Rejuvenate...


PreTeen/Teen (up to 17)25-45 minutes$30-$45
Prenatal45-75 minutes$60-$85
Swedish30-60-90 minutes$40-$65-$90
Aromatherapy30-60-90 minutes$45-$70-$95
Muscle Therapy30-60-90 minutes$50-$75-$100
Hot Stone Therapy30-60-90 minutes$55-$80-$105
Deep Tissue Massage30-60-90 minutes$60-$85-$110

Massage Add-Ons

Hot Stones (back only) $7
Scalp Massage 10 minutes $10
Aroma Hand Treatment 15 minutes $15
Aroma Face Massage 15 minutes $15
Aroma Foot Massage 15 minutes $15
S.O.C. Treatment 15 minutes $20
Moisturizing Foot Scrub 15 minutes $15

Body Treatments

Back Refresher30 minutes$45
Aroma Facial w/ Hand Treatment60 minutes$75

AromaTouch Technique

The doTERRA AromaTouch Technique is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back (from the lower back to the crown of the head) and feet. This process helps to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body. Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the AromaTouch Technique reduces physical and emotional stressors and supports healthy autonomic function. This simple and intuitive technique uses doTERRA CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) essential oils for an unparalleled grounding experience.

AromaTouch incorporates hand techniques, with the power of essential oils, to create a powerful whole body wellness experience. It addresses four systemic constants that are present in daily life and which may serve as limiting factors in health: Stress, Immunity, Inflammatory Response, Autonomic Balance.

Your 40 minute AromaTouch session includes four primary steps designed to minimize the impact of stress on your body. With each step, you'll receive the application of two essential oils, or essential oil blends, which are specifically formulated to support healthy emotional and physiological functions for well-being. The following doTERRA essentials oils are used:

  • Stress Management: Balance & Lavender
  • Immune Support: Melaleuca & On Guard
  • Inflammatory Response: AromaTouch & Deep Blue
  • Homeostasis: Wild Orange & Peppermint

The AromaTouch Technique is not a massage treatment because there is no muscle tissue manipulation. However, it is a calming way to detox your body. The AromaTouch is a relaxing, light touch technique. Although I recommend receiving this treatment separately to experience the sole effects of the technique, it can also be combined with a massage.

40 minutes $50
Swedish Massage in Hot Springs Arkansas Facial Massage in Hot Springs Arkansas
~ Call today to Schedule an Appointment! 501-276-0857 ~

Wholesome Massage in Hot Springs Arkansas

Call Today to Schedule Your Next Appointment!

I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist in Hot Springs Arkansas since 2010 and am very passionate about my profession. There are a variety of massages & body treatments available and I am always researching new and innovative ideas or techniques to enhance therapy and some of which can be found in the Treatments section.

Thank you for visiting. If you are looking for a calm, clean, and relaxing place for your next massage &/or body treatment, Absolute Serenity Massage & Body Treatments is that place! Although Absolute Serenity Massage & Body Treatments offers similar services as a spa, Absolute Serenity is a small, quiet setting in Hot Springs Arkansas providing an exceptional massage experience. Call today to schedule your next appointment!

All Gift Certificate Sales are Final, No refunds, No Cash Value.

Thank you!
Loretta Duplantis, LMT/Owner

Policy Notification

I appreciate that you’ve chosen me for your massage and bodywork needs. To provide the best service possible to my clients, I have implemented the following policies effective immediately.

* Prices, products & hours are subject to change at any time. Absolute Serenity reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. All gift certificate sales are final, no refund, no cash value.*

Cancellation Policy

I respectfully ask that you provide a 24 hour notice of any schedule changes or cancellation requests. Please understand that when you cancel without providing a 24 hour notice, I am often unable to fill that appointment time. Canceling less than 24 hours before your appointment time will result in 50% of scheduled services owed. Not showing up for your appointment will result in 100% of scheduled services owed. This policy also applies to gift certificate holders and prepaid services. I will not book appointments until fees are paid. I also reserve the right to require prepayment to book future appointments if this is an ongoing issue. I understand that emergencies can arise and illnesses do occur at inopportune times. If you are having ANY ill symptoms (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, infection, sore throat, etc) within 48 hours or less of a scheduled massage, please reschedule at the first sign of symptoms. Please do not wait. Inclement weather may also result in the need for late cancellations. Please do not risk your own safety trying to make your appointment. Late cancellation due to emergency, illness, or inclement weather will generally not result in any missed session charges, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Late Arrival Policy

I request that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time to get started in a timely manner. This also allows time to fill out any required paperwork if needed. If you arrive late, your time of service will be adjusted to the remaining time in consideration of clients scheduled after. I understand that issues can arise that may cause you to be late for your appointment. Please call to inform me if this ever occurs so I can do my best to accommodate you. Full service fees will be charged even when sessions are shortened due to late arrival.

Inappropriate Behavior Policy

Massage therapy is for relaxation and therapeutic purposes only. There is absolutely no sexual component to massage whatsoever. Any insinuation, joke, gesture, conversation, or request otherwise will result in immediate termination of your session and a refusal of any and all services in the future. You will be charged the full service fee regardless of the length of your session. Treat your therapist with respect and dignity and you will be treated the same in return.

Massage Treatments in Hot Springs

978 Airport Road, Suite D
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Find me on Facebook

Available by appointment:

Weds - Friday

Gift Certificates are Available!
All gift certificate sales are final, no refund, no cash value
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